EU Regulations 650/2012, 1103 and 1104/2016: cross-border families, international successions, mediation issues and new financia

Riferimento: 9788849543261

Editore: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
Collana: Quaderni «Diritto delle successioni e della famiglia»
In commercio dal: 30 Settembre 2020
Pagine: 552 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788849543261
77,00 €
Disp. in 2/3 gg lavorativi


The papers collected in the present book intend to disseminate the results of the Goineu Plus project on the application of regulations 1103 and 1104 of 2016 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to property regimes of families, also in conjunction with the regulation on international succession 650 / 2012. It is thus intended to make a significant contribution to the uniform application of Community legislation in an area of particular interest due to the current importance of migratory phenomena and to financial assets in family property.